Students' Experience of AIIS Learning Program

Training program relying on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and soft skills

Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances for higher education project AIIS

Contribute to improve European HEIs’ offer in the field of medicine

About the project

AIIS is a 3-year Erasmus + project under Key Action 2 (KA2), Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, funded by the European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

The main objective is to provide a comprehensive programme for medical students, where AI, innovation, and soft skills will play a key role, promoting the integration of the program into European universities’ curricula.

Main output

A training program for medical students in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Skills.

The challenge

Modernisation of training programmes in the medical field. The curriculum of medical education in Europe has not been adapted to the necessities of future health professionals in AI.

Better knowledge of AI by medicine and health students.

A specific training programme will be developed with support of researchers at every participant university and SME partners, addressing the need for increased knowledge in AI and other healthcare related innovations.

Better capacity of future practitioners to transfer their knowledge in society.

Participant students will receive this content through a novel collaborative learning platform. Thanks to this format, they will develop fundamental soft skills to design communication strategies, with a transnational and intercultural focus to reflect the realities and origins of the European health system users, disseminate the knowledge and better explain to the patient the use of technologies.

Better acceptance of AI and innovations by society.

Students, and thus future practitioners, will apply their acquired skills in a way that improves the quality of the patient experience, increasing the trust of the society in these new technologies.

Increased demand for AI and innovative healthcare technologies.

As the trust in new technologies increases, the demand in such products will also increase, creating new needs in R&D and opportunities for SMEs and other bodies specialised in AI and innovative healthcare technologies. This will better the position of the EU AI sector versus foreign markets. This new demand will also request new highly qualified jobs in this specific field.

Key concepts

Each country has its own individual higher education system – but all are part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The EHEA system helps ensure that higher education systems across Europe are compatible - and that students, researchers and academics in Europe can collaborate and study or work abroad more easily. The main higher education qualifications offered across Europe are: Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and Doctorate/PhD.

Higher education and its links with research and innovation play a crucial role in individual and societal development and in providing the highly skilled human capital and the engaged citizens that Europe needs to create jobs, economic growth, and prosperity. (European Commission)

AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.

The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving

They are those complementary skills of hard skills (technical knowledge) that differentiate us as workers, both in individual work and in teamwork.

They have to do with managing difficult situations, interpersonal skills, leadership, and problem solving.

“Innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas.”  (UK Department of Innovation and Skills).

“Innovation is the creation of something that improves the way we live our lives”  (Barack Obama).

Basic objectives

1 Prepare the future of medical professionals Adapt existing curricula with new offer adapted to current needs. Prepare the future medical professionals with AI, innovation and soft skills.

2 Improve confidence of healthcare in patients and society. Encourage digital skills and technology knowledge of medical students to improve confidence of healthcare professionals in AI. Encourage social/transversal skills of medical students to improve confidence of society in AI.

3 Contribute to the development of better AI based and innovative healthcare solutions Develop the research, development and innovation in the field of AI and new technologies for medicine. To improve the position of the EU in a disruptive researching field such as AI in medical applications.

4 Improve quality of training in AI at medical schools Design a teaching-learning training for medical students in AI and innovation in collaboration with companies and multidisciplinary teams. Promote equity and inclusion by facilitating the access to students developing an online platform for training that simplifies participation in the project activities

Target group



How do they benefit from AIIS?

They will become better professionals by taking into account AIIS training material into their medical education

What will they be able to do with the outcomes of AIIS?

Training in AI and soft skills with real cases methodology and working in multidisciplinary teams.

Educational Centres


How do they benefit from AIIS? What will they be able to do with the outcomes of AIIS?

  • Medical centre government teams, having a training program to incorporate new teachings and methodologies to existing ones.
  • Professors, using the training modules to implement new teaching methods, exchange knowledge & experiences with professors from other countries.
  • Other departments such as international relations and placement services, which will benefit from exchange with other universities and companies in EU countries, and increase activity related to students’ mobility.

HEIs will benefit as a whole from the project for attraction of new students and excellence of education

R&D Companies


How do they benefit from AIIS? What will they be able to do with the outcomes of AIIS?

Companies and professionals both belonging to the partnership and beyond will develop new business opportunities and benefit from knowledge exchange with other institutions in the field of AI in healthcare.

AI Expert Companies


How do they benefit from AIIS? What will they be able to do with the outcomes of AIIS?

AI experts will be able to transfer their knowledge to medicine students for a better acceptance of their technologies on the one hand, and they will also be able to express their training needs for specialized staff in healthcare and AI. Finally, they will benefit from exchange programmes.

European Health Sector


How do they benefit from AIIS? What will they be able to do with the outcomes of AIIS?

AIIS will impulse an improvement of practices in European public and private healthcare services thanks to an increased trust in AI technologies and a better training of its future professionals in new technologies and soft skills.

  • University hospitals, as well as other healthcare centres, will gain in efficiency, as they will better integrate AI technologies in the daily work of the hospital, counting with high qualified and properly trained staff to use those technologies. AIIS will help them in bettering diagnostics and treatment, among others.
  • Patients will be the final beneficiary of the project, getting better healthcare services.
Policy Makers and Society


How do they benefit from AIIS? What will they be able to do with the outcomes of AIIS?

They will benefit from a better understanding of the technologies and their implication and potential for supporting healthier life.

  • 2021
  • WP1

    Research on Training methods, Artificial Intelligence and soft skills in medicine studies (Dic 2020 - Sep 2021)

    Review of the medicine study plans of each partner country.

    Research on the need for training in AI and soft skills for medical students.

    Artificial Intelligence and technological innovations in medicine, educational insight (Aug 2021)

    AIIS competence guidelines and learning journey (Sep 2021) 2022

  • 2022
  • WP1
    AIIS competence guidelines and learning journey (Sep 2021) 2022
  • WP2

    AI and soft skills Learning programme for medicine students (Aug 2021 - Sep 2022)

    Design of the training program

    Development of training materials Training platform

    Training pills (Sep 2022)

    Collaborative learning platform (Sep 2022) 2023

  • 2023
  • WP3

    Implementation of Collaborative learning and Pilot Phase (Apr 2022 - Jul 2023)

    Piloting the training program

    Collaborative challenges for students Mobility

    Analysis of piloting results (Jul 2023)

  • WP4

    Validation and recognition of AIIS learning programme in Europe (Jul 2023 - Oct 2023)

    Certification of the training program

    Transfer of the program to other universities AIIS network

    AIIS exploitation in European Universities (Oct 2023)


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